Selected results
Find here some selected results of projects which were done in cooperation with organisations and the Offenburg University.
1) Communication Concept for the Hospizverein Offenburg
The project group has dedicated itself to a very special topic within the framework of the Master’s programme in Media and Communication: the development of a new communication concept for the Hospizverein Offenburg e.V., which is aimed specifically at the acquisition of volunteers, relatives and sponsors.
The students Lisa Bertsch, Lisa Radke, Linda Ritter, Maxi Straub and Lukas Zimmermeyer developed under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Zerres a communication strategy for the Hospizverein Offenburg. In this project a situation analysis and competition analysis was carried out. Furthermore, communication goals were defined and the strategy was developed.
A new corporate design including suitable communication instruments was created. In addition to a new logo, new flyers and posters a new website was designed. The new communication strategy was presented in a detailed project presentation to the employees and a member of the board. Both the logo and the other means of communication were very well received.
The hospice association has two focal points: the children and youth hospice and the adult service. The communication concept developed by the project group was specifically focused to the adult hospice.
2) Helfen und weitersagen – Communication Toolbox for Refugee Helpers
Free templates for flyers, posters, websites or videos: A project group of the Department of Media and Information Sciences provides volunteer refugee helpers with communication tools. “Helfen und weiterersagen” (help and tell others) is the motto of the five students Jonas Müller, Daniel Herp, Dominik Hölz, Margit Reinhart and Tobias Hallmayer.
The students developed a communication package. In order to encourage volunteers there is step-by-step guidance for video portraits in the communication package. “We have the opinion that everyone in our society has the ability to help in the current situation – as students of media and communication we can provide communication support so that the refugee helpers have more time to work with the refugees,” said Jonas Müller.
Press release: Badische Zeitung Pressemitteilung

Selected cooperation partners
In my courses and research projects i am always cooperating with interesting organisations. During the last years i had a lot of great guest lectures and projects with profit and non-profit organisations.
- 2k
- Avenit AG
- Badenova AG & Co. KG
- Burda Direct Interactive GmbH
- Duravit
- Gewerbeverein Ottenhöfen / Seebach
- hansgrohe
- Hospizverein e.V. Offenburg
- Landratsamt Offenburg
- Mann & Hummel
- P3-Group
- Polizei Frankfurt am Main
- Vioma GmbH